Outdoor Gear for the K9 Search and Rescue Team

Your SAR Ready Pack with your outdoor gear is like a house on your back. It allows you to be self reliant and comfortable if you need to spend an overnight or two in the wilderness. You need to carry what you need personally, and what the subject might need if encountered. A 24 hour pack is the absolute minimum that should be carried during a mission. You will need to include all items that will help you function safely and effectively. For a complete list of items required to pass the SAR Tech II Test,
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. The Outdoor Gear Personal Body Management and Protective Equipment Consider the importance of carrying: Sunscreen, Insect Repellent, Eye protection, and Head Protection.Insect Repellent Wear clothing made of slippery materialChemical repellents that contain DEET, Indione, Rutgers, or DMPSkin So SoftNettingEye Protection Protect your eyes on missions! When working in brushAt nightIn hot, sunny areas or at elevation in now conditions
Head ProtectionA helmet might be necessaryProvides protection where injury is likely and can provide ear and neck protectionA hat that protect ears and neck in cold environments
Sleeping Systems - In the event you do have to spend the night, are you prepared?Sleeping during SAR missions may be required on occasionConsider: Ground protection, and sleeping bag systems as part of your outdoor gear items.
Ground Protection - Important considerations: Insulation and comfortLightweight, soft, compact, waterproof, and efficient insulationOther options:Air mattressEnsolite or polyethylene pad (closed cell)Nylon clothNatural surroundingsSleeping Bags RectangleModifiedMummy
Sleeping Bag InsulationSynthetics - Polyester, (Polarguard, Primaloft, Dacron, Holofil, and Quallofil)Natural - DownSleeping Bag Construction Consider LoftManufacturer reputationKey is to trap dead airDifferent types of construction/bafflingSleeping Bag Baffling Quilted (sewn through)BoxShingleShelters - The multipurpose tool for protection against discomforts. Consider WeightWater repellencyversatility
SheltersTarps - Lightweight and versatileInexpensiveNot durable

Tents Heavier and more expensiveProvide maximum securityMess Kits and Utensils A bowl, cup, and spoon are the only utensils needed.Plastic holds heat longer than metal and won't burn your lipsMetal is easier to clean

Types of Stoves ChemicalPressurized gasLiquid gas - Alcohol, White gas/Coleman fuel,other

Water Bottles and Hydration Systems An important part of outdoor gear!Hydration is essential! Consider:DurabilityAccessWeightDrinkabilityWalking Stick Can be helpful when carrying a heavy pack over a long distanceConsider: Durability, Weight and length, PortabilityHeadlamps/Flashlight Consider Spot or focusBattery usage and compatibilityIncandescent vs. LEDHeadlamp vs. handheld

Other Outdoor Gear and Tools Knife - All purpose "Swiss Army" type is idealRepair/sewing kit - for minor repairs"Hell" box - Anything that might come in handy for comfort, repairs and emergencies.
Hygiene and Sanitation Many "necessities" can be done without, or improvised from other pack items.Rinsing with water and scrubbing teeth with a towel can get mouth clean.Toilet paper - No one should be without it in the wilderness.Packs Consider - Intended use and needsCombined weight and space of all the items you intend to carryYour body structureInternal Frame Better suited for activities requiring balance and freedom of movementFit close to the back and are flexibleExternal Frame Rigid pack frames with fitted bagsMost comfortable and convenient method of carrying large loads on extended trips

Packs -Look for: Frame ConstructionShoulder straps and hip beltBack support and adjustmentsQuality and reinforcementsPockets/compartments and accessLash points
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